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Diving Dogs

Diving Dogs

The Diving Dogs is always a popular attraction at the Waterfowl Festival and 2021 expects to be a great year for competition! Competition pros can register online (rules below).

There are always slots available for amateurs to try it out with your novice pup! Try-Its are $10 for two try-it tickets.

Competitive splashes are available Fri, Sat. and Sunday where you can watch and cheer on your favorites – Festival ticket is required.

Competition Rules: A NADD This event is being run by a NADD mobile dock. Registration Number is required to enter, purchase here for $35.00. Splashes include up to four minutes on the dock for one optional practice jump and two judged jumps. You must inform the judge prior to your jump if you want it to be considered a “practice jump”.

The jump order is set by a posted running order. Each splash closes 30 minutes prior to start time. Failure to be present at the beginning of the splash can result if the forfeiture of jumping in that splash.

Each distance jumping Splash allows 2 judged jumps, back to back. The longest jump of them will be your Qualifying Score.

You can earn a Diving Dog Title at this event. You must have five Qualifying Scores within a Division. NADD titles are recognized by the AKC and CKC through their recognition programs. View their applications here (AKC) and here (CKC).

Please read the official NADD Rules before you register to compete in the Trial.


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