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Julia Rogers

Hometown: Easton, MD

“I have an endless desire to paint and over the years I have worked in several mediums and gradually developed a distinctive style that is seen today in my oil paintings. I also paint a wide variety of subjects. It is important to expand and try new things and push into different areas. Painting en plain air, figurative work and portraiture are all part of my discipline. Extensive travel is also documented in my portfolio. Many periods of growth in my paintings can be attributed to reference trips I have taken. Wildlife has been very inspirational to my work.”

Volodymyr Piven

Hometown: Kyiv, Ukraine

The art of Volodymyr Piven is like the unity of something unknown, yet complete. It’s a momentum that becomes eternity. It is an effort to combine different techniques and styles, a continual search for new forms. He is highly recognizable among modern artists because of his thorough skills of paintbrush use and the exclusive vividness of his works. His paintings express the enjoyment of life. The most delightful moments of existence are reflected on the canvas, becoming precious parts of the physical world.
The artist makes us feel thankful for this life.


Volodymyr tries to embrace the universe, look into its tiniest corners. He strives to hand over all his feelings to people who care – friends and family, to an unknown stranger, so that everyone would find his own quiet place there.
His paintings radiate good taste and harmony on every patch of the canvas. He imagines and, just like every artist, dreams, of decorating his own life with this imaginary perfection. Persistent search, experiments, unceasing self-perfection make his creations manifold, diverse and unforgettable.
Look at his arts, rest from the city rush, allow yourself to relax. Feel the brightness of colors and the shimmering of lines. Recall moments of happiness.
 Observation of these works brings the understanding that everything is not bad at all if we were given this land with its trees and grass, this sky with its majesty. Beautiful things are so close. Just stretch your hand and all the moments of life are YOURS. Just wish and believe.

Richard Clifton

Hometown: Milford, DE

Richard Clifton was born in Delaware in 1961. He lives on a historic family farm adjoining the Prime Hook National Wildlife Refuge, where he is surrounded by inspiration for his art. He is a self-taught artist who has chosen acrylics as his medium.


Waterfowl being one of his favorite subjects, he has gone on to paint 53 duck stamps from various states, including the 1996 Australian Duck Stamp and the 2007-2008 Federal Duck Stamp. Recently he won the 2020 Federal Duck Stamp Contest with a painting of a Lesser Scaup drake. This is his second win in the Federal and the image will grace the 2021-2022 stamp.


Richard’s work has been displayed in many of the top wildlife art shows throughout the country, including the Southeastern Wildlife Exposition and the Easton Waterfowl Festival, to name a few. Richard’s work has been chosen several times for the D.U. National Art Package. Also he has been named D.U. Artist of the Year 3 times and is the first to win in back to back years. He has appeared in the documentary the “Million Dollar Duck”, and on “D.U. TV” in an episode about his Wildlife Art, Conservation efforts and Waterfowl hunting on his farm.


He is a casual birder and an avid hunter of waterfowl, deer and upland game and uses his experiences in the field as inspiration for his work.

Rebekah Knight

Hometown: Appleton City, MO

My pastime began to develop into a career when I was 15 after winning the 2006 Federal Junior Duck Stamp contest with a painting of a redhead duck. I have since been involved in various conservation art competitions and programs and have realized the importance of conservation and awareness for wildlife, and the light that art can bring to the earth’s wild treasures. I learned to paint in acrylics but later moved to oils. I have spent many days in the field from Alaska to Africa photographing each subject of my art, which is a key part of knowing how to convey their character. I look forward to setting my sights on more goals surrounding wildlife, art and conservation.

Sandra Alanko

Hometown: Tilghman, MD

Sandy Alanko has a master’s degree in art, studied Renaissance art in Florence, Italy, and taught art in public and private schools for thirty years. On a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts she learned firsthand about Native American art forms while on the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. And, along with the science teacher from her school, Sandy took 15 students to the Amazon Rainforest of Peru to study the art and culture of the Riberanos, as well as to learn about the rainforest ecosystem.


Sandy’s other passion besides art, has been her lifelong fascination and reverence for animals and wild places. She is an avid birder and kayaker and loves the salt marshes, ponds, forests and shorelines that surround her Tilghman Island home.


For part of each winter, Sandy and her husband manage a Smithsonian Research field station located on the barrier coral reef of Belize where they assist biologists from all over the world in their work to conserve the magnificent, but threatened coral reef ecosystem.


Although Sandy paints in all media she has developed a watercolor technique which features 3D elements. These may include wings that protrude outward or portions on an image that spill out onto the mat, adding depth, texture and interest to the painting.


She hopes that her portrayal of animals and natural landscapes inspire a desire to protect and preserve our precious wild heritage.

David Kiehm

Hometown: Oneonta, NY

Dave’s realistic painting style comes from a lifetime of observing nature first hand. His love of all things wild translate into evocative images meticulously rendered to capture the intricacies of the animals and their world.


Dave has been honored with awards nationally and internationally including the prestigious award: “BBC Wildlife Artist of the Year”.  The Judges said about Dave’s painting,  ‘Foundation Wall’: “This painting stood out in a competitive category because of its lovely composition, exquisite detail and excellent depiction of light.”


Dave has traveled extensively throughout North America and Europe to observe wildlife and wild places for subjects for his paintings. These paintings have been shown at Marwell International  Wildlife Society, UK, Roger Tory Peterson Institute Museum,  The Houston Museum of Natural History, The Hiram Blauvelt Art Museum, and The Nature in Art Gallery and Museum, UK, to name a few.


Dave lives and works in the foothills of the Catskill Mountains of New York with his family, including his golden retriever, Maggie.

Teal Meal

Wilhelm Goebel

Hometown: Salisbury, MD

Born 1960 in New Brunswick, NJ, Wilhelm J. Goebel is a nationally known wildlife artist. A graduate of Ithaca College in Ithaca, New York, Goebel received a degree in biology. He has made a lifetime study of bird anatomy and made field trips throughout Canada, the U.S. and the West Indies to study wildlife. His paintings have been featured in many publications including Outdoor Life, National Wildlife, Birdwatchers Digest, Sporting Classics and Wildlife Art Magazine to name a few.


Goebel’s work is displayed in numerous galleries and museums in the U.S. and Canada including Leigh Yawkey Woodson Art Museum, the Bennington Center for the Arts, the U.S. Postal Museum, the National Wildlife Federation and The Ward Museum of Wildlife Art. His paintings are also found in many private collections across the country. His artwork has benefited organizations such as Ducks Unlimited, National Wild Turkey Federation, Quail Unlimited and Wildlife Forever.


Among is many artistic accomplishments, he was chosen as the 2007 Grand National Waterfowl Association Artist of the Year in 2007 and 2004 National Wild Turkey Federation Stamp Print Artist of the Year, 2002 National Wild Turket Federation Artist of the Year, Ducks Unlimited 1997 International Artist of the Year and in 1995 won wildlife arts more prestigious award, the Federal Duck Stamp competition.

Jim Rataczak

Home State: Minnesota

Degrees in biology and animal behavior from the University of Notre Dame and the University of Michigan underpin the scientific accuracy of Jim’s paintings, and have taught him of the connectedness of all living things.  But throughout his life, the natural world has been his real teacher.  An avid birder and naturalist, Jim regularly works directly from life, in the field, and makes hundreds of field sketches and paintings every year.  The cumulative knowledge he gains in doings so infuses his studio work with authenticity, passion and truth.


Jim has been a professional artist for over 20 years, winning numerous awards and exhibiting in Canada and across the United States.  His paintings have appeared in Delta WaterfowlUpland AlmanacAmerican WaterfowlerThe New York Times, and in books published by Ducks Unlimited.

Al Barker

Hometown: Bordentown, NJ

Al Barker has been a full-time professional artist for more than forty years. Nature has long been the focus of Al Barker’s artwork and the majority of his paintings depict scenes of tidal marshes and river estuaries that are characteristic of New Jersey, Connecticut and Maryland’s Eastern shore. He has been a continuous exhibitor at the prestigious Easton Waterfowl Festival from its inception in 1970. His work is in numerous public and private collections including the White House Collection in Washington, DC.

Julia Purinton

Hometown: Baltimore, MD

It is inspiring to see the work and meet so many talented artists working in different styles and media, and the staff, the volunteers and organizers could not have been more helpful, encouraging and kind. It is always a  gratifying experience to find such an enthusiastic audience for my paintings, and I am hoping to have the opportunity to bring a whole new group of paintings to the beautiful town of Easton.


Recent Awards:

  • Best of Show (Crane Estate Art Show and Sale – twice)
  • Best of Show (Ipswich Cultural Council)
  • People’s Choice Award (Ipswich Cultural Council)
  • Award of Excellence ( Ipswich Cultural Council – 3 times)
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